Industrial IoT tutorial – FOTA updates on the 4ZeroBox

By Published On: February 12th, 2021Categories: Zerynth Tutorials

Industrial IoT tutorial – FOTA updates on the 4ZeroBox

By Published On: February 12th, 2021Categories: Zerynth Tutorials

Industrial IoT tutorial – FOTA updates on the 4ZeroBox

By Published On: February 12th, 2021Categories: Zerynth Tutorials

Our Industrial IoT demo series continues. Today, we will demonstrate how to perform FOTA updates on the 4ZeroBox over WiFi. More precisely, we will show you how to connect the 4ZeroBox to the Zerynth Device Manager, send data to a Cloud service, and then how to use the FOTA (Firmware-Over-The-Air) update procedure to update the firmware on the 4ZeroBox.

FOTA updates offer many advantages – you can update your device from anywhere, you can continuously add new features, and update devices on a large scale with minimum disruption to the application and the end-user.

Of course, this kind of demo is a great starting point if you are looking for a way to learn more about industrial IoT and Python programming.

If you are interested, you can take a look at the rest of the tutorials from this series:

The setup

To start the demo, you will first need to connect the 4ZeroBox with your PC, with a USB cable:

Regarding the power supply, you can use a USB or external 24V power supply. Compared to the previous versions of the 4ZeroBox, there are no jumpers, so just connect the desired power supply and continue with the board setup.

Download Zerynth SDK

Zerynth SDK is the gateway to our platform, and it includes:

  • Zerynth Toolchain – a command-line interface that integrates all the essential functions for the development with Zerynth OS and the management of the Zerynth Device Manager cloud service.
  • Zerynth Studio – an advanced IDE for the Zerynth Toolchain. It includes development and debugging tools and numerous code examples.

You can download it for free at any time, for Windows, Linux, or Mac OS.

More about the 4Zerobox – industrial IoT enabling solution

4ZeroBox is a versatile data acquisition unit, designed to be plugged into both old and modern industrial machines, as a machine-to-cloud interface. It is powered by Zerynth OS, a multithreaded real-time OS that supports Python and C programming.

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About the Author: Lana Vukovic

Lana Vukovic
Lana is a Classics graduate who got bored of ancient Greek and Roman texts and got into new technology instead.

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