Do you remember how popular our Zerynth lamp tutorial was? It had over 8,000 views on Hackster. Everyone wanted to make their own Python programmable ambient light.

Well, now it got an update, and it’s compatible with the latest version of Zerynth.

Click here to see the new tutorial, and start making your IoT ambient light.

Controlling a NeoPixel LED strip with the Zerynth App

To be more precise, the tutorial teaches you how to control a NeoPixel LED strip with the Zerynth App.

It’s easy to set up, easy to use, and most importantly – it’s fun.

Start from the assembling of all the hardware, move on to the programming, and follow all the steps until you get your customized ambient light.

The Zerynth App allows you to use a color picker for the LEDs, and offer you multiple pre-configured animations to choose from. This User Interface has been made in collaboration with our partner Jqwidget.

Have you downloaded it yet?

You can get it for free on Google Play and the App Store.

Zerynth ambient light video

Of course, you can always check out how we made the Python programmable ambient light the last time, and watch our video:

Let us know how your lamp turns out. Send us a picture, or tag us in your post on social media. We would love to know what you made.

Download Zerynth Studio

Now, of course, you want to try to recreate this project and create your own IoT, Python programmable ambient light. Download Zerynth Studio first.

Zerynth Studio is free to download and available for Window, Linux, and Mac OS.

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About the Author: Lana Vukovic

Lana Vukovic
Lana is a Classics graduate who got bored of ancient Greek and Roman texts and got into new technology instead.

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