We are glad to announce our new technology partnership with Esprida’s LiveIntersect, an IoT Cloud platform for the Industrial IoT. This partnership will enable developers to accelerate their evaluation and prototyping phases to bring a product to the market in the shortest period of time.

We hope this partnership will allow developers around the world to successfully run connected IoT applications and harness the power of real-time data.

We are very excited about this partnership. It enables embedded hardware designers to have one development platform that supports many low-cost microcontrollers quickly and is already connected to the LiveIntersect IoT application enablement platformsays Asad Jobanputra, Director of IoT Solutions at Esprida.

More about LiveIntersect and Zerynth

LiveIntersect is an IoT platform that focuses on bringing smart products to the Cloud. Esprida Corporation has been offering consultancy services and helping their clients join the IoT revolution. From feedback sessions with experts in the field to building an end-to-end IoT product, including cloud services, agent development, hardware, and connectivity, LiveIntersect offers a faster way to bring your product to the Cloud.

Zerynth simplifies IoT development providing an easy and efficient way to program the most popular 32-bit microcontrollers in Python and connect them to the top Cloud infrastructures, with high-level standards of security. With R&D in Pisa, Italy, and a global sales team, Zerynth is helping thousands of developers around the world to develop new IoT products and Industry 4.0 applications with reduced costs and improved time-to-market.

LiveIntersect library

The LiveIntersect library, which you can access here, will allow you to connect your devices to the LiveIntersect cloud and immediately access functionality for asset registration, provisioning, transmit metrics and telemetry data, and download and execute commands.

To learn how to use Python to send and receive data between an Espressif ESP32 board powered by Zerynth and LiveIntersect IoT cloud read this tutorial.

If you want to get started right away, download Zerynth Studio.

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About the Author: Andrea Galizia

Andrea Galizia

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