This Friday we will be starting the Zerynth Continuous Learning series. Each month we will be presenting a new topic which you can learn about, along with us. Every member of our development team will be presenting the topic he’s most experienced with.

When you’re passionate about a topic you are always eager to learn more about it. Time goes by and you don’t even notice.

That is why we decided to take this approach: everyone from the team can choose one of the topics they are best prepared for and use every day in Zerynth. In this way we bring the knowledge of the individual member to the whole team, and later, also to the external members who will participate in the event.

Most of us in Zerynth come from a quite academic background, and we got into this business by wanting to learn more and to offer people a better way to develop new devices and projects. Now we want to go back to this approach and give a chance to our whole team to learn more, develop their skills further, and teach each other.

Of course, we’re more than happy to welcome you to this process. If you’re looking for an exciting way to dive deeper into the world of IoT, Industry 4.0 and embedded development, this is just the right thing.

We plan to have an hour, to an hour and a half long presentation each month. This presentation will be just for the Zerynth team, but we’re also planning public ones, in the webinar form for the future.

What is continuous learning?

Continuous learning. Perhaps you’ve already heard about it or saw it online. The term is pretty self-explanatory – it’s an ongoing development of skills and knowledge.

Some people read books, some listen to podcasts, some take on new challenging projects. The habit of continuous learning is proving itself to be essential for both personal and professional growth.

As developers, we are used to this concept, as we are always up to date with the latest technologies and trends in our industry. Every new project requires you to get out of our comfort zone to acquire new skills and get the job done.

Our first speaker is Zerynth’s head of Software Development, Davide Neri. Davide took his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Pisa. In the spare time, he plays the accordion and he likes to play football. He is currently coordinating the development of the microservice-based architecture at Zerynth.

Orchestration of microservices

As you might have guessed from the title, choose to talk about the orchestration of microservices.

But what are microservices?

Microservice-based architectures enable mastering the complexity of big applications, scaling them as needed, and shortening the lead time for new features and updates.

Containers and container orchestrators are widely used to deploy microservice applications over cloud platforms. In this talk, he will illustrate how to effectively deploy microservices using Docker Swarm.

Zerynth Continuous Learning microservies image

This first talk of the Zerynth Continuous Learning series will be held just for the Zerynth team, but all the rest will be open to the public.

Of course, we will be sharing images and some footage from the talk with you all in our next post.

Share your thoughts

Please feel free to share your thoughts on the subject with us. What do you think about the concept of continuous learning? What topics are you passionate about?

Drop us a message on social media, tag us, or use the #zerynthlearning.

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About the Author: Lana Vukovic

Lana Vukovic
Lana is a Classics graduate who got bored of ancient Greek and Roman texts and got into new technology instead.

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