From “Hello World” to professional IoT applications with Zerynth – workshop at Wuthering Bytes 2019

By |2019-06-21T11:38:42+02:00June 21st, 2019|News|

Do you want to learn how to build IoT and Industry 4.0 applications using Python on microcontrollers? We’ll show you everything, step-by-step. Join us for a two-session workshop, on September 2nd, in the UK at the Wuthering Bytes 2019.

RS Components cyclists raise money for Children with Cancer UK – we tracked their journey with the Zerynth powered Polaris

By |2019-06-20T12:17:57+02:00June 20th, 2019|News|

We are extremely happy to report that the RS Components team has raised over £200,000 for Children with Cancer UK. Thanks to the Zerynth powered Polaris, we had a chance to be a part of that journey.