Build IoT apps with AWS and Zerynth – new video on Twitch
The AWS channel on Twitch just published a video that discusses how to build IoT apps with AWS and Zerynth. The main focus is on what the combination of AWS and Zerynth tools has to offer.
The AWS channel on Twitch just published a video that discusses how to build IoT apps with AWS and Zerynth. The main focus is on what the combination of AWS and Zerynth tools has to offer.
The popular Udemy course titled “Explore AWS IoT” just got an update, in order to keep up with the changes of AWS IoT. The Zerynth section of the course has been updated as well.
Zerynth is part of “Exploring AWS IoT” Udemy course. Through 4 lectures you’ll learn how to program the ESP32 DevKit C in Python and connect to AWS.
Programming the ESP32 DevKit C in Python with Zerynth and connecting to AWS is the topic covered in four lectures of this Udemy Course. Check it now!