
La Salle University in Barcelona

La Salle University in Barcelona is an International University campus.

La Salle University in Barcelona

La Salle University in Barcelona is an International University campus.

La Salle University in Barcelona is an International University campus offering studies in Engineering, Architecture, Business, Digital Arts and Animation. 

A course on industry 4.0 called “SPRINT 4.0” was held at Le Salle where Zerynth taught participants how to build industrial IoT applications.

As the main tool, they used real-life use cases with their 4ZeroPlatform – a Zerynth powered industrial toolset. 

SPRINT 4.0, “Strategic Partnership for Industry 4.0” (2018 – 2020) is a European Project that works on filling the existing knowledge gap training university students on Industry 4.0 topics.

As Industry 4.0 is called the “4th Industrial Revolution” it is fundamental for universities to adopt actions for developing new skills in students to be employed in the companies adopting (or that will adopt shortly) the new applications or for starting new businesses in line with the new requirements. However, the skills necessary in the 4.0 era are still missing either in university curricula and in industry-standard training courses. 

In addition to the topics addressed in industry 4.0, the TOI team also held a Zerynth and XinaBox workshop during the course.

The workshop was divided into three parts, based on the level of complexity.

The first part is a basic-level that allows the LED on the CW02 chip to blink, while the second intermediate part develops a weather station using Zerynth Studio. Lastly, the Zerynth team taught the students how to send all that collected data to the Cloud.

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