The concept of Industry 5.0 is gaining more and more relevance, but what are the regulations in the Transition 5.0 plan that incentivize Italian companies within the digitization process? Furthermore, how can businesses access the funds provided by the calls for tenders?

New technologies enable companies to be more digitized and sustainable thanks to the integration of IoT and AI tools that can collect data in real time and make decisions based on in-depth analysis. This approach facilitates improvements in operational efficiency, optimisation of production processes and reduction of waste, while promoting business sustainability.

The latest regulations under the Transition 5.0 plan offer numerous opportunities and funding options for companies that wish to digitize their shop floors. Read on to find out more!

Achieving improvement through Integrated technologies 

Industry 5.0 represents the natural evolution of digital transformation and sustainability in the manufacturing landscape. At a time when technological innovation is revolutionizing every aspect of our lives, companies cannot afford to be left behind.

The convergence of advanced automation, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and collaborative robotics offers a huge opportunity to improve operational efficiency, reduce environmental impact and create a safer and more inspiring work environment for employees.

Industry 5.0 encompasses numerous areas of improvement, such as:

  • Intelligent automation: Advanced automation and artificial intelligence enable companies to optimize production processes and reduce human error. This results in higher productivity and better product quality.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): By connecting devices to machinery, companies are able to collect real-time data to make more informed decisions. Monitoring and control of processes can take place remotely, increasing overall operational efficiency.
  • Environmental sustainability: Industry 5.0 offers tools to monitor and reduce energy consumption and harmful emissions. Companies can adopt eco-friendly technologies and reduce their environmental impact.
  • Customization and flexibility: Thanks to the interaction between machines and workers, companies can offer highly customized products and respond quickly to market needs.
  • Improved working conditions: Collaborative robotics can support companies to perform dangerous or strenuous work, improving the safety and health of employees.

Embarking on a digitization journey in Industry 5.0

It is easy to understand how a company that decides to harness the data extracted from its machinery to make its processes more efficient and reduce waste, is capable of fostering sustainability, precisely because it is able to minimize waste and enhance its process management.

The link between these two transitions is well represented by the concept of Industry 5.0, which is explained in detail in this article. With the introduction of new technologies, it is crucial to invest in employee training: acquiring digital skills and learning how to operate machinery will facilitate the transition into Industry 5.0. This may require upgrading machinery and implementing data collection systems, also through collaboration with partners and suppliers.

From Transition 4.0 Plan to Transition 5.0 Plan

However, the reasons for transitioning from the 4.0 plan to the 5.0 plan are not only conceptual in nature, but also have to do with the resources funding the plan.
The aim is to recover unspent resources from other chapters of the NRP and allocate them back to the Transition 4.0 plan and other successful investments. Minister for Enterprise and Made in Italy, Urso, announced his intention to direct most of the new PNRR resources towards the green and digital transition. How can your business access the calls for tenders? How can you obtain the funds to digitize your company and transform it into an Industry 5.0?

Sure5.0 (‘Supporting the SMEs SUstainaibility and REsilience transition towards Industry 5.0 in the mobility, transport & automotive, aerospace and electronics in European Ecosystems’) aims to support European SMEs operating within industrial ecosystems, encouraging them to improve their overall processes in the digital transformation and to become more human-centered, sustainable and resilient at the same time.

The Role of the Competence Centers

Competence centers play a fundamental role in Italy in the implementation of the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan), a strategic plan launched by the Italian Government to access Next Generation EU funds, aimed at supporting economic recovery after the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Competence Centers are structures dedicated to the planning, management and monitoring of specific projects under the PNRR and operate in various sectors. But what role do they exactly play?

Planning and design: the Competence Centers work with the Italian government and local administrations to develop detailed projects and operational plans that meet the objectives of the PNRR, identifying needs, defining priorities and implementing concrete projects.

Resource Management: Competence Centers are responsible for managing the financial and human resources allocated to each project. They monitor the implementation progress, the utilization of funds and the achievement of objectives.

Monitoring and evaluation: a crucial aspect is the constant monitoring of project progress. The Competence Centers must ensure that activities are carried out according to the schedule and that intermediate and final objectives are achieved. In addition, they are responsible for assessing the impact of the initiatives on economic recovery and the country’s resilience.

Collaboration and coordination: they work closely with stakeholders, including ministries, local governments, businesses, academic institutions and civil society organizations.

Zerynth’s Competence Center partners

Zerynth has established partnerships with the MADE and Artes 4.0 Competence Centers.
MADE is an Industry 4.0 Competence Center based in Milan that has immediately made 14 million euros available to companies to be managed as an implementing party of the PNRR, of which 12.5 million will be used to co-finance innovation projects of companies and 1.5 million to provide consultancy and training services at subsidized conditions.

Artes 4.0 also opened its first call for proposals to support business innovation projects with more than 9.3 million euros available. Specifically, the funds are provided under Mission 4 ‘Education and Research’ and Component 2 ‘From research to enterprise’ of the Plan, Investment 2.3 ‘Strengthening and thematic and territorial extension of technology transfer centers for industry segments’, which is the responsibility of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy.

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