From sensor to the Cloud in just 15 lines of Python
A tutorial on how to send data to the Cloud in just 15 lines of Python with Zerynth Studio and XinaBox development boards.
A tutorial on how to send data to the Cloud in just 15 lines of Python with Zerynth Studio and XinaBox development boards.
Espressif Systems has published an article on their blog about all the Zerynth tutorials for ESP32-based devices. A neat and useful overview that everyone needs to check out, no matter their skill level.
This tutorial will be exploring the potential of combining IoT and blockchain using simple Python directly on microcontrollers, thanks to Zerynth tools.
Like we promised the XinaBox and Zerynth partnership is bringing more exciting opportunities for IoT development. After the Zerynth programmable XK12 IoT Starter Kit we are about to bring things to another level with a new post about controlling the XinaBox OC03 relay module with Zerynth Studio.
Are you looking to get started with the XinaBox IoT kit powered by Zerynth? Here's a detailed tutorial on how to do some LED blinking.
Like we promised in the Zerynth and XinaBox partnership announcement, the CW02 development board is now available for purchase with a Zerynth license already onboard.
In this tutorial, we'll see how to read and write on a serial port using Zerynth.
Another tutorial with Zerynth popped up on Medium, so we decided to share it - AWS IoT and Greengrass using Espressif esp32 devkitc with Zerynth Studio.
We’re pleased to announce that we have just released Zerynth r2.1.1-p02 with lots of new features, enhancements and optimizations.
ThingForward, a Zerynth Partner and reseller that specializes in making IoT development faster and easier, published a great tutorial on getting started with Python on microcontrollers using Zerynth Studio.