New Updates for Version r2.1.2 are available!

We’re happy to announce the release of the patch p01 for Zerynth version r2.1.2.

This time, the patch introduces 3 new libraries, several highly important updates, and a few minor ones:

  • Blockchain Ethereum library to make transactions on the Ethereum platform and interact with Ethereum Smart Contracts
    The Ethereum library allows interacting with the Ethereum blockchain using a few lines of simple Python, directly on microcontrollers! Take a look at the doc and at the examples. We’ll share more info and tutorials in the next days. Stay tuned!
  • Support for Esprida LiveIntersect IoT Platform. More info;
  • LWMQTT: a lightweight MQTT Library based on Paho Embedded C Client (beta stage). More info;
  • Partner Libraries are now handled directly by partners and gain a specific section in the documentation, changing nothing to the user since also import lines remain the same. More info;
  • ATECC608A support in Microchip ATECCx08A library (only functionalities already available on the ATECC508A). More info;
  • ADC and PWM on SAMG55-based devices;
  • GPIO module in Standard Library to handle pins controlled by port expanders;
  • Google Cloud IoT Library can now generate JWTs via hardware crypto elements and exploit the new LWMQTT library;
  • Garbage Collector Performances Improved;
  • Auto reset for XPlained SAMG55 and XPlained SAMD21 devices.

To update you just have to:

  1. open Zerynth Studio;
  2. click “Rolling Update”;
  3. click “Update” and restart Zerynth Studio
  4. Enjoy!

Remember to create updated virtual machines and virtualize all boards with the new ones.

As usual, please keep us informed about any issue regarding this update on our community forum.

Happy coding!

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About the Author: Luigi F. Cerfeda

Luigi F. Cerfeda
Luigi is a biomedical engineer, and is currently Sales Director at Zerynth. Being one of the first members on the team, he has held various roles in the company as he has a deep knowledge of the IoT market and Industry 4.0.

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