Ugo Scarpellini

About Ugo Scarpellini

Ugo works as an IoT Application Engineer at Zerynth, he has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a master's in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. His main interests are related to new technologies such as development of AI, IIoT and low code applications. In his spare time he devotes himself to his passions, such as calisthenics, cooking and stand up comedy.

Artificial Intelligence for Industrial applications: AI on the Edge for IoT technologies

By |2023-03-16T16:05:45+01:00March 16th, 2023|IoT Insights|

Businesses are using data-driven strategies more than ever. This often involves utilizing artificial intelligence algorithms, even for industrial applications. As a result, people are starting to talk about AIoT, to refer to intelligent IoT technologies that incorporate AI.