What you can do with Zerynth

Unlike other IoT development platforms, Zerynth provides a complete “ecosystem” of tools that allow you to go from the firmware development to the cloud connection, thanks to an extensive collection of libraries. What are those tools you might wonder? It’s Zerynth Studio, Zerynth Virtual Machine, and the Zerynth app, to name a few.

This ecosystem of software tools provides easy and efficient programming of microcontrollers in Python (and connecting them to the Cloud). Developing IoT solutions with Zerynth tools will save your time, effort and boost your skill set.

Need inspiration? The Zerynth Academy website section provides a list of tutorials that guide you to develop embedded and IoT solutions in Python with the Zerynth Stack. You will learn:

You can also find a list of useful examples at this link or directly on the left panel of Zerynth Studio.

Zerynth Community Projects on Hackster

Hackster helps people everywhere learn how to design, create and program Internet-connected hardware, by bringing together a large network of engineers, makers, and hackers.

Hackster Logo

By joining our community you can receive updates when other members submit a project built with Zerynth and when we post updates on Zerynth technologies or challenges. You can also comment, respect and contribute to the projects you like the most. Most importantly, you are invited to submit and share your own projects built with Zerynth (don’t forget to link Zerynth in the “Software Tools” list!) and show your embedded programming skills to the World!

Zerynth Community Projects on Instructables

Instructables LogoIf you are looking for inspiration you can also check our profile on Instructables, where we share the “official” Zerynth projects, though as a demo for our community. They are written in such a way that they easily allow you to replicate and share with the rest of the community.

Commercial and Industrial Products built with Zerynth

Not only hackers and makers. Zerynth is used by companies and professional teams to build amazing IoT and embedded solutions in different sectors.
Are you a company that wants to share with us your solution powered by Zerynth? Contact us and you’ll be included in the “Built with Zerynth” wall.

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Download Zerynth Studio today

Now that you’ve got to the end of this article, we know you are a true Zerynth fan. If you haven’t done it already, download Zerynth Studio, and start your IoT adventure in Python.

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About the Author: Luigi F. Cerfeda

Luigi F. Cerfeda
Luigi is a biomedical engineer, and is currently Sales Director at Zerynth. Being one of the first members on the team, he has held various roles in the company as he has a deep knowledge of the IoT market and Industry 4.0.

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