After the week-long SPRINT 4.0 course that the TOI team has held in Barcelona, they are ready to travel to Bremen, Germany, to present the same curriculum to the students of BIBA University.
The ”BIBA (Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik) is a research institute focused on engineering science. The TOI team will offer the students a unique opportunity to learn from industry experts. The course will start on Monday, September 2nd, and end on Friday, September 6th.
As the main tool, they will be using real-life use cases with their 4ZeroPlatform – a Zerynth powered industrial toolset.
Visit TOI’s official website if you want to learn more about the 4ZeroPlatform and its use cases.
Zerynth and XinaBox workshop
Furthermore, the TOI team will also be holding a Zerynth and XinaBox workshop during the course.
The workshop will be divided into three parts, based on the level of complexity. It will start from the beginner-level tutorial on blinking an LED on the CW02 xChip.
To be more precise, the workshop will follow these steps:
- Blinking of the LED on the CW02, using threads to introduce multi-tasking.
- Adding the SW01 weather sensor and reading data from it. The data is then displayed on the Serial Monitor.
- The SW01 weather sensor and CW02 become an edge device and share data with the Ubidots IoT platform.
Here’s what the workshop looked like in Barcelona’s La Salle University:
If you want to get more info on getting started with Zerynth and XinaBox, here’s a list of useful tutorials that you can follow:
- Make your own remote control with Zerynth and XinaBox
- Remote Gesture and Proximity Sensing Tutorials with XinaBox, Zerynth, and Ubidots
- Python Weather Station with Zerynth, XinaBox, and Ubidots
- A temperature-controlled fan, with XinaBox and Zerynth Studio
- Controlling the relay of XinaBox OC03 using Python and Zerynth Studio
- From blinking an LED to sharing data over WiFi in real-time
Next workshop
The next, and final SPRINT 4.0 workshop will be held in Pisa, at the end of September.
You can find more information here, and learn how to enroll for the final course.
Download Zerynth Studio
Download Zerynth Studio, if you want to start programming 32-bit microcontrollers in Python too. It’s free to download and available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. Start your IoT adventure today!